Sunday, December 01, 2019

日本酒原価酒蔵 Wholesale Price Sake

When you come to Japan, you will have to try their sake.

As usual, we were looking for places which offer a variety of japanese sakes. We found a restaurant chain "日本酒原価酒蔵" that was selling premium sakes at wholesale price. We went to their outlet at Shimbashi No 2 shop.

We were intrigued by the way the sakes were served. Each sake was kept in 100ml bottles with a small descriptive label. Normally sakes come in 1.8L bottles. To maintain their freshness, the sakes were bottled in 100ml bottles and sealed from these larger bottles.

There was a great variety of popular premium brands. Food wise was typical izakaya kind of food.

Definitely worth coming back again for the different choices of sakes.

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