Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Orihara Shouten 折原門仲

We visited Toyosu market early morning and had lunch over there. This new fish market was big but cold. The old Tsukiji market was more lively, or rather had more "life" in it. Later on this trip, we were lucky to visit a few other interesting fish markets in Hokkaido. After lunch, we headed to Monzen Nakacho to meet our friend at Orihara Shouten.

Monzen Nakacho was part of Tokyo old down town, and near to Toyosu. We felt there were more to explore in this area especially at night.

Orihara Shouten was the first sake specialty shop at Robertson Quay, Singapore. Their outlet at Monzen Nakacho was actually setup after their Singapore shop. There were a greater variety of sakes at Monzen Nakacho outlet than back Singapore.

The "system" here was simple. There were about 200+ kinds of sakes to choose from. You just pick the one or few you want from the fridge, bring them to the cashier, decide on small or big servicing. The pricing were on the labels around the bottles. Make payment. Bring them to your table. Take picture. And put them back in the fridge.

We normally preferred to start with junmai ginjo 純米吟醸. And some how sakes always tasted much better in Japan.

These days, a sake brewery might produce various "series". For example, the following was the Tatenyan (たてにゃん) from Tatenokawa (楯の川酒造), Yamagata. This was modeled after a real cat living at the brewery, and was now the brewery's mascot.

特別純米 NUDY from (若竹屋酒造場), Fukuoka

Local craft beer お江戸深川の麦酒. The label of this bottle depicted the old Eitai (永代橋) bridge.

If you are looking for a place to drink different kind of sakes, this is highly recommended. And it starts from 11am.

Website: http://oriharashoten.shop-pro.jp/
Tabelog: https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1313/A131303/13123491/

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